About WriteMore

Greetings, scribblers, scrawlers, diarists, journalists, teachers, tutors, students, authors, poets, wordsmiths, and all other practitioners of the written word. Welcome to WriteMore–a web site devoted to what I call “inventive” writing.

By inventive writing, I mean writing that is strictly UN-professional. It is sloppy, spontaneous, meandering, indulgent. It is about process, not product. Although it may yield certain psychological benefits, insights into personal or professional quandaries, or improve one’s facility with writing in general, these benefits are not the express focus of inventive writing. Indeed, to fixate on these possible end-results would be to miss the overarching prompt of the various exercises included on this site: namely, to explore. To write without concern for a grade, deadline, boss, promotion, or anything, and to see what happens.

This form of writing is a privilege, and many people in the world do not have the political or economic freedom to engage in such writing. However, those that do will find that it can be a tremendously powerful experience.

The specific activities that I have included on this site are ones I have either invented myself or encountered in a variety of circumstances throughout my life. For those activities that are not original with me, I include explicit details regarding the source of the activity.

I encourage visitors to submit both their “finished products” as well as new activities to be included on the site. If you do choose to submit writing or a new activity, please also include information regarding your preferred mode of attribution (name, e-mail, location, occupation, none, or all).